Trusted By Champions

The UK's Best Brain Supplement For High Performers

Imagine the best version of yourself...

Focused, energised & alert at work. Confident, clear-minded & creative at play.

Composed during challenges. Driven and efficient. Excelling in your performance.

Outperform Yesterday, Everyday

The ingredients in Elevate Nootropics have been extensively researched and are proven to get results.

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"Elevate Nootropics allows me to remain focused and calm inside and outside the cage. Would recommend for anyone wanting to level up their mental performance"

Jordan Barton - MMA World Champion

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

The ingredients are proven to work, however if you don't feel any benefits after 3 weeks, get in touch and we will provide a full refund

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Unlock Your 'A Game'

Add Elevate Nootropics To Your Daily Routine To Be Able To:

✅ Zone in on challenging tasks, effortlessly filtering out distractions.
✅ Easily recall names and faces, accurately retaining details.
✅ Speak fluently and effectively, finding words effortlessly.
✅ Maintain clarity of thought and swift reactions, even when fatigued or stressed.

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Lions Mane

Lion's Mane mushroom enhances cognitive function by enhancing nerve growth factor production, and provides antioxidants for brain health. The full spectrum fruiting body we use offers a range of bioactive compounds, promoting improved memory, mental clarity, and overall cognitive well-being.



Cordyceps mushroom boosts vitality by increasing energy levels and protecting the immune system. The full spectrum fruiting body we use contains diverse bioactive compounds, fostering overall well-being. Its consumption has shown to enhance mental resilience, concentration, and stress adaptation.


Rhodiola Rosea

Rhodiola Rosea root extract is a potent adaptogen that aids stress management and promotes mental resilience. With bioactive compounds supporting cognitive function and emotional well-being, it enhances focus, reduces fatigue, and fosters a balanced mental state.



L-Theanine, derived from tea leaves, promotes relaxation and focus. Crossing the blood-brain barrier, it enhances cognitive function and reduces stress, providing a natural way to support mental well-being. When paired with caffeine, it balances alertness and calmness, minimising negative side effects like jitters, offering a smoother and more focused energy boost.



Caffeine, a natural stimulant, enhances alertness and focus by blocking adenosine receptors. When combined with L-Theanine, it minimises jitters and provides a balanced energy boost, supporting concentration without typical caffeine-related drawbacks.


Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is essential for energy metabolism, supports cognitive function and red blood cell formation. As a crucial nutrient, B12 aids in maintaining neurological health and preventing fatigue. It contributes to sustained energy levels, mental clarity, and overall well-being.


Lions Mane

Lion's Mane mushroom enhances cognitive function by enhancing nerve growth factor production, and provides antioxidants for brain health. The full spectrum fruiting body we use offers a range of bioactive compounds, promoting improved memory, mental clarity, and overall cognitive well-being.



Cordyceps mushroom boosts vitality by increasing energy levels and protecting the immune system. The full spectrum fruiting body we use contains diverse bioactive compounds, fostering overall well-being. Its consumption has shown to enhance mental resilience, concentration, and stress adaptation.


Rhodiola Rosea

Rhodiola Rosea root extract is a potent adaptogen that aids stress management and promotes mental resilience. With bioactive compounds supporting cognitive function and emotional well-being, it enhances focus, reduces fatigue, and fosters a balanced mental state.



L-Theanine, derived from tea leaves, promotes relaxation and focus. Crossing the blood-brain barrier, it enhances cognitive function and reduces stress, providing a natural way to support mental well-being. When paired with caffeine, it balances alertness and calmness, minimising negative side effects like jitters, offering a smoother and more focused energy boost.



Caffeine, a natural stimulant, enhances alertness and focus by blocking adenosine receptors. When combined with L-Theanine, it minimises jitters and provides a balanced energy boost, supporting concentration without typical caffeine-related drawbacks.


Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is essential for energy metabolism, supports cognitive function and red blood cell formation. As a crucial nutrient, B12 aids in maintaining neurological health and preventing fatigue. It contributes to sustained energy levels, mental clarity, and overall well-being.

Focus, Mood, Memory, Clarity, Results.

Elevate Nootropics utilises high-quality, scientifically supported ingredients. Sourced ethically and boasting a transparent label.

Designed to help you outperfrom yesterday, everyday.

Working To Lower Anxiety & Boost Mental Health

For Every Order, We Donate £1 to Mental Health Charity 'Mind'

Mid Cheshire Mind

We understand mental health, and it's a priority in our ingredients. We donate with every order.

Results That Get Better Long Term

The results of Elevate Nootropics can be felt within 2 days, however peak benefits will be seen between 2-4 weeks of consistent use.

The benefits will compound for as long as you keep taking it.

Many only realise the benefits once they stop taking it!